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Monday, February 27, 2012

About Daily Genealogy Transcriber

Daily Genealogy Transcriber is about helping genealogists decipher handwriting. Signatures, handwriting samples, etc. are posted daily for site viewers and followers to try and interpret.

Our intent is to get people thinking about the individual signature or piece of handwriting and how it can be misinterpreted. To that end, sometimes we only provide a snippet of the writing. And sometimes, we only have the signature in that handwriting, the rest of the document was written in an entirely different hand.

And once in a while we post pieces that are "easy." Sometimes we still get interesting readings on those and we have a few people who like to try and be the "first" to respond. 

I encourage everyone to submit transcriptions of items that have been posted. If you don't want to use your real name, that's fine but consider using a pseudonym so that others responding have a "name" to respond to. I approve just about every posting unless it's spam or "in poor taste." 

So go ahead and post..and thanks for playing.

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