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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Making A Declaration in 1853

Regular readers will recognize this last name, but I could not resist posting it since FamilySearch released these records in digital format today.

This signature comes from an 1863 declaration of intent in Illinois--for one of my ancestors.


  1. georg trautmiller

  2. I've found I do a LOT better on figuring out names when I can look in context. Lots of times the real answer on what that strange letter is comes from looking at all the letters written by the same scribe on the same or nearby pages.

    Mike St. Clair

  3. This is a signature from the Declaration of Intent--there is no other writing by this person on the document ;-)

  4. Georg Trautvetter

    is the answer to this one.

    (my 3rd great-grandfather)
